David Husbands

David Husbands


David was born in Lincolnshire, UK in 1996. He finished an integrated masters in Chemistry (MChem) at the University of Durham (2019), studying with Dr. James Walton on ruthenium catalysis. He then joined Prof. Ian Fairlamb’s group at the University of York on a GSK funded PhD program, uncovering the modes of action of palladium catalysis in pharmaceutically relevant cross-coupling reactions. Having finished his PhD in 2023, he did a post-doc in Dr. Charlotte Willans’ group at the University of York, investigating electrochemical methods of recovering precious metals from reaction mixtures. In May 2024, David joined the FreiLab as a post-doc to work on the synthesis of novel metal-based antimicrobial complexes, using a combined machine learning and high-throughput approach to rapidly optimise promising candidates. In his free time, David enjoys singing, playing the clarinette and metalworking.

  • PhD in Chemistry

    University of York

  • MChem in Chemistry, 2019

    University of Durham